
bagajul e facut

trebuie sa ma strang si pe mine.


when harry met sally

I came here tonight because ...

I love that you get cold when there's 70 degrees out

I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich

I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you look at me like i'm nuts

I love that after i spend a day with you i can still smell you're parfume on my clothes

I came here tonight because when you realise that you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

The third time we met we became friends....we were friends for a long time...and then we weren't.....and then we fall in love.....


You've got Mail Ending Most Memorable Sequence

over the rainbow bluebirds fly....birds fly over the rainbow....now why...why can't i ?!....


u kiss me la la la...

u touch me la la la....

oh boy ....



...a bit of advertising ( that i like :D )


Vai doamne ... i remember those days!!!! :D

anita : cum e la scoala??
Otilia : pai azi fu lung
Otilia : al naibii
Otilia : si l-am avut pe X o ora juma
Otilia : vai
Otilia : am murit
Otilia : iar si-a amintit de toti prietenii lui morti toti
Otilia : evident
Otilia : ca el ne ingroapa pe toti


Domenica vado a fare le castagne !!! :D:D:D:D

yuppiiiii yuppiiiii :D


..... and me ?!


Monique !!!!

Am scos capsha :o)
feel free to comment now :))))
Ma duc sa imi indrept parul ca am de lucrat la un proiect de grup si nu pot fara par intins :))))


What a day !!!!!!!!!

For a day dream ........................


The most beautiful bride ever!

Floricica mea, iti doresc din toata inima Casa de Piatra !!!!!!!!!!!! Sa fii fericita si drumul vietii sa iti fie incununat numai de bucurii si succese!!:o)

ps: si multi bebe gigea ca tine!

It's a sunny windy Sunday in Milan ! and I have the australian flu ! ;o)

Buy it use it break it fix it

Load it check it quick - rewrite it

Name it create it tune it print it !



TECHNOLOGIC ...............................


Voi cand ?!

Discutie la cafea intre baieti pe balconul meu ..
CAND SI DE CE SE FOLOSESTE SAMPONUL ANTI MATREATA?! ...Andrea a avut un vis ......as usual...

Il Razz del quartiere !

Hai ca azi sunt fericita ! :o)



I miss myself ...happy


irene grandi - prima di partire per un lungo viaggio

Prima di partire per un lungo viaggio..devi portare con te :

I ricordi, l'amore, l'amicizia, il tuo passato, la curiosita', i tuoi valori, la voglia di andare avanti, la voglia di continuare...

Non e' facile pero' e' tutto qui!

Prima di partire per un lungo viaggio ...devi portare con te la canzone del tuo cuore e la poesia della tua vita!

Prima di partire per un lungo viaggio... devi rimanere buono,semplice,sincero,ottimista...

Prima di pretendere qualcosa pensa a quello che dai tu...

Prima di partire per un lungo viaggio...


Best wishes to all my friends and enemies also.. Thank you for being part of my life, for creating piece by piece the person that I am , thank you for sharing your time, feelings and experiences with me!
Thank YOU for what I am !

Aspettando il Sole

Ma tutto passa piano e pure se fa strano io sorrido perché so che oggi non ti chiamerò...


Rihanna - Disturbia

- 10 !!! The end of Disturbia ! ;)




....As delicious as it looks....


Back to basis..

No words to describe the purity and the beauty of everything..


***OFFICIAL VIDEO*** Cesare Cremonini Dicono di Me

Knock knock...c'e' gigi?
E la cremeria ?:D


Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of The Heart

Turn around...true friends know...Iulia..I am sure you know..:o)...a sad smile ..every now and then...just because. Life plays with it's own rules.

Daddy's song for me...

I'm just a bird in the sky...noone can take..my freedoooooom away!

Bon Jovi-Thank You For Loving Me

.....in the time that you loved me.

Amy Mcdonald- This Is The Life

Wonderful days in Germany..Stuttgart, Karlsruhe and Frankfurt...
All finished with a 5 hours dinner near the river in Frankfurt...thoughts,opinions, suggestions...i should thank Jose' for all these...Good friends always make me proud of who I am !!!
Obrigado :D


"sara' perche' ti amo "

..la canzone che ascoltavo...quando..." BLOCKED Calling" ....1 volta...2.....la terza ho risposto..."ciao............. come stai?"

......e tutto il mondo ha fatto una pausa...il tempo si e' fermato ....

Era lui .....LUI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dopo tanto tempo ....dopo tantissimo tempo ......e non ho potuto dire niente...sono rimasta solo cosi'.....senza parole...senza respirare....senza reagire...
Solo alla fine ho potuto dire alcune parole...mi ha parlato solo lui..
La conclusione..."sono deluso "

....ed io ora come faccio a vivere?


I miss my friend..

Cause u used to talk to him so much about everything...and now i miss that thing...Vlad where the F*** are u? I know....in the bank ...:)) but have a break !;)



The question is what is the question ?


Facem bagaje!!

Ce usor e sa faci bagaje atunci cand impachetezi TOT !! Nu te mai gandesti ce iei, ce lasi, ce incape ce nu incape...

Nu e asa?

Asa e. :))


Uite bila, Nu e bila..

Si da, am terminat si eu o data in viata asta facultatea..ASE-ul..si MITUL conform caruia....bila de pe ASE cade atunci cand.....u know... SE ADEVERESTE !! NU MAI E BILA !!!! AU DAT JOS BILA!!!! ahahahhahahhahahahhahahaha
DECI stiu ca nu e bine sa incepi propozitia cu deci..dar..DECI....OH MY GOD !! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :)) toata viata o sa tin minte ca la promotia mea a cazut bila!!! :)))

5th of August.

I wanted to negotiate with the coffee machine..ERROR 13 ! I needed a coffee...a hot chocolate at least...error 13, error 13...!!!!!!!!!!!!

Singing in the rain...GOOD MORNING !

"Mmmm..such a mistery "

The nucleum is in ...Frankfurt. ( OF COURSE !)


Jamba - Kikolo (italy)


Stephen Lynch - If I Were Gay

And from my other good friend... Oana..THANK YOU :))))))))))))))))))))
I know what u mean :D

Christian the Lion - the full story (in HQ)

Dedicated to me.....by my sister ..my best friend, Iulia.



Jay Sean - Ride It

Back from the seaside !!!!!!!
"let it be let it be...."



Alessandro Safina - Luna

For broken souls...like mine. A melody for the music...a princess for a hero..che belle parole....che durano da tanto tempo.

Non vendermi ...

non vendermi mai !

In another life..

Lui....lui e' pazzo di lei...


Sonorha - L'amore

Sunday...a day for love..for those who have it..and a day for dreams...for those who want it!

If I Never See Your Face Again..

...I don't mind!!! .....
or i Do...;)


we're talking about myself !

Le persone nate sotto il segno della Tigre sono molto sensibili, gentili e simpatici. Tuttavia malgrado la loro bontà possono essere anche molto duri. Quando si arrabbiano, non è facile calmare la loro collera con cui emerge il loro carattere forte e impavido. Inoltre, i nati sotto questo segno hanno grandi capacità di meditazione e riescono a fare i più incredibili collegamenti e ragionamenti intelletuali con grande agilità mentale. Aspetti negativi sono la tendenza ad essere sospettosi e un po' egoisti. Nonostante questo però, la tigre rimane l'emblema supremo della protezione della vita umana, che viene costantemente ammirata da tutti.

La minestra e il thè di Oolong sono gli alimenti migliori per la buona salute delle tigri!

I nati della Tigre di fuoco si riconoscono da lontano... soprattutto dalle sopracciglia e dall'espressione vivace del volto. Un'espressione del genere è molto vicina all'immagine del fuoco. Così espressiva, la Tigre di fuoco è una persona molto interessante, eccitante, piena di entusiasmo e ottimista fino all'osso. Anche i giorni più nuvolosi, sono visti semplicemente come sfumature di grigio intorno al sole infuocato. Sono persone con grandi capacità di guida nel vero senso della parola, oneste e gentili. Nell'ambito finanziario, anche se non hanno molta fortuna riescono a trovare velocemente delle soluzioni, e lavorano sodo per raggiungere un certo tenore di vita. I nati del segno possiedono molto carisma e non hanno problemi ad attrarre persone dell'altro sesso. In amore tendono a giocare facendo affidamento soprattutto sul loro fascino e sulla loro sensualità. Conoscere una Tigre del fuoco significa amarla.

...Yep, I agree.

Al pranzo...

Me and Monique...Lunch...in the garden...with Cipi ..( picture) ..:D
Delicious...how nice is to have lunch in the garden with a good friend with whom you can talk to about so many things..( about THEM ...them....them...)I loved it..now..back to work..
...yes yes Cipi, you heared me...u little pussycat!!!...back to work :D enough playing for now;)

in Heaven...

there was only you and me....


and it's all i can say...


Immaginary life

..i'm living that...sometimes.It saves me from many things...but it hurts me too, on the other hand...ah....cheeries, strawberries, water melone..whatever!


Bob Sinclar together

One day we'll be together.................LET ME HEAR U SAY !!! ONE DAY WE'LL BE TOGETHER ! :o)
E cosi'....la giornata comincia con un sorriso :o)


Lou Reed - Perfect Day

Just a perfect day..i'm glad i spent it with u...It was such a perfect day....2 years ago.
You just keep me hanging on.
Just a perfect day.

Where are you now..


Afric Simone - Hafanana

Sha la la la.... ;))
Summer is here - outside and inside! :D
If only all our lives could be HAFANANA !!!



"Menina" ..........:o)


..And all i wanna do is...go back :D

I Know Something About Love

I DO ! :D

Rapture - IIO

..Wednesday again !


As i read my horoscope...

That almost always was wrong....i saw this : "Calatoriile te duc departe de casa, poate prin locuri la care tanjesti de multa vreme, de care iti era dor sau erai legat sufleteste. Poate pleci pe litoral, pentru ca intinderile de apa au si ele un rol important, sau ajungi in zona in care ai copilarit si care iti trezeste multe amintiri frumoase. Dorul este intens astazi, zburand mereu cu gandul catre oameni si locuri care iti lipsesc enorm..".. Damn it....it's so real...at least for this morning..Alles erinnert mich an dich ..Für immer und ewig, wolltest Du bleiben
was kann mein Herz dafür Du bist gegangen, ohne viel Worte ..das werd’ ich niemals kapier’n..Für immer und ewig, wir zwei zusammen ...das war der Traum VON MIR..Ich kann Dich nicht halten, ist es zu Ende werd’ ich Dich nie mehr spür’n?

GRENZENLOS ...ich bin bereit !

Deine unstillbarste Sehnsucht, ich still sie
Deine wundesten wunden Punkte, ich will sie
Deine ungehbarsten Wege, ich geh sie
Deine unsichtbarsten Signale, ich seh sie
Deine liebsten Liebesspiele, ich spiel sie
Deine sinnlichsten Sinnlichkeiten, ich fühl sie
Deine heißesten Hitzewellen, ich kühl sie
Deine kältesten kalten Stellen, ich wärm sie


Deine unheilbarsten Seelenwunden, ich heil sie
Deine tiefsten Leidenschaften, ich teil sie
Deine unsagbarsten Gedanken, ich sag sie
Deine unfragbarsten Fragen, ich frag sie
Deine liebsten Liebesspiele, ich spiel sie
Deine sinnlichsten Sinnlichkeiten, ich fühl sie
Deine heißesten Hitzewellen, ich kühl sie
Deine kältesten kalten Stellen, ich wärm sie


Yvonne Catterfeld - Volare

My germans origins have no ashame ! :D

** Lambada **

Why am i thinking only of one person whenever i hear a love song..Melodia de amor...
Chorando estará, ao lembrar de um amor
Que um dia não soube cuidar...


Too much coffee ...

...almost killed me... too much, too fast...and i have only one heart in shape of a...HEART :))) ...as in : <3
I drank too much coffee and i felt really bad....i am still feeling my heart shaking and moving in a chaotic way...!! ..." if u die...will u leave me all your money !? " :)))) ..certo! ma MAI a gelsomino!...perche' Gelsomino e' il mio ricordo..del cuore.

Advertising in bed ...:))

O femeie avea 3 fete de maritat. Cand s-a casatorit cea mai mare si s-a mutat la sot, maica-sa a rugat-o sa-i scrie despre viatza ei intima. Peste 2 zile primeste scrisoare cu un singur cuvant: Nescafe. Maica—sa nu a inteles faza, dar din intamplare a vazut reclama de la Nescafe intr-un ziar: “Satisfactie pana la ultima picatura” si s-a bucurat mult. A urmat randul celei de a doua. Peste o saptamana a primit o scrisoare cu textul: Benson & Hedges. Maica-sa a cautat in ziar reclama respectivelor tigari: “Extra Long, King size” si iar s-a bucurat. In sfarsit se marita si cea mai mica, iar dupa o luna ii trimite maica-sii scrisoarea de rigoare: British Airways. Maica-sa vede la TV reclama de la renumita companie aeriana si lesina: “De 3 ori pe zi, 7 zile pe saptamana, in toate directiile”

E' lunedi..

ed io ho perso le parole....MA DEVO CONTINUARE A CREDERE !

....new ideas, new dreams, new deceptions, new situations.. new ...everything..


Oamenii pretiosi intotdeauna ajung departe !

Tocmai am citit o stire care m-a bucurat la modul extrem!

Bogdan, colegul meu! - face un pas important in viata si anume :

Bogdan GEORGESCU (AVIVA) va fi noul director de investitii al BRD Pensii

Bogdan GEORGESCU, specialist in investitii la compania de pensii private obligatorii AVIVA Pensii (locul cinci pe piata dupa activele administrate) se va muta luna aceasta la BRD Fond de Pensii, pe pozitia de director de investitii, a declarat pentru portalul www.pensiileprivate.ro Eugen VOICU, CEO si director de investitii al AVIVA Pensii.

GEORGESCU a ocupat pozitia de specialist in investitii in cadrul grupului AVIVA in Romania timp de mai bine de trei ani (din luna mai 2005). Anterior acestui post, el a mai fost broker si analist la societatea de brokeraj European Securities (2 ani si 4 luni) si la societatea de valori mobiliare GELSOR (4 ani si o luna). Cat priveste educatia, el a absolvit Universitatea Romano-Americana din Bucuresti.

AVIVA Pensii este compania de pensii private obligatorii (pilonul II) situata pe locul 5 in topul dupa activele administrate si pe 4 dupa numarul de participanti, in timp ce BRD Fond de Pensii ocupa locurile 9 (in ambele clasamente) ale aceleiasi piete.

Informatia am luat de aici : http://www.pensiileprivate.ro/Bogdan-GEORGESCU-AVIVA-va-fi-noul-director-de-investitii-al-BRD-Pensii-articol-9-32147-20.htm

FELICITARI BOGDAN !!! Iti urez mult mult mult succes in tot ceea ce vei face ! :o)


One of the most beautiful cities i have seen!

Amerigo Vespucci !

I was on this boat last summer in Barcelona! It is extra cool and beautiful !!
I LOVE IT !!!!!


Good morning!

It's Friday ! :o)
Start preparing yourself for the weekend ! :D

But first.........some work !


Borbolates.... :o)

I need a vacation like this one......i haven't seen venice for such a long time...i miss it really....

L'idiotezza del giorno

..."Sa aiba pana in 40 de pagini"


Alguém sou eu. (legendado)

It's Wednesday ! Half of this week is gone....let's smile to the other half :o)


It's Monday !

And my internship just started!
And because first impression always matters...well...WOOHOOOO !!! I loved this day! :D

ps: thanks mirko for the picture ;)



12 iulie 2008 - AMSTERDAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!


The best music ever !!! I just love it !
Meet you all there!! ;)


DANCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Noel Gallagher - where did it all go wrong

And i hope you know..it sticks around with you until the day you die...
Obrigado Nelito ! ...Bjs!


Sava Negrean Brudascu - Pe cararea vietii mele

Because traditional romanian music has a high value in my opinion..." on the road of my life we are not going together anymore...you didn't want to pick with me the bat with 5 flowers....
..........tears on my cheek"
Just...beautiful and true!


Se voglio e non vuoi....io mi innamoro di te..

se comincia cosiiii.. se parti e sei qui.. togliendo via i se.. io mi innamoro di teee..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VIVA NADAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally !! We won the final 6-1 6-3 6-0 for NADAL against FEDERER !!!
YUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIII, i am so happy ...so happy so happy !!! :D:D:D:D


Mi mancherai

....a rainy saturday ..

per te

Per te vivro'...con te avro' mille giorni di felicita'..


Hurrey for our phones....NOT :-|
Here is another link to a similar experiment..


Created by A.K.

P.S. You are a bird in the following sense:

Some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright! And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up DOES rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone

Thanks Anthony :-p
You are such a good friend !!

The Italian Man

Numar pin' la unu

Important e sa tii minte ce trebuie sa uiti ! ;)) LA LALA LALALA......Have a great thursday everyone! In ce zodie se afla racul ?! :P


Se Quiser

sempre que quiser um beijo eu vou te dar..se quiser, sempre que quiser ir as estrelas me dê a mao !

Papa's Roses

Papa`s RosesI picked a rose this morning
And it was so fresh, it looked like it was crying
I thought how sad to be so beautiful
Only to wither and die
Like Papa's Roses soft and pale
Like petals thrown in the dirt
Only silence is spoken here
All that grows here is hurt
And Papa's Roses

Papa wasn't really a hardened man
He could be tender at times
I remember, it was like it holiday
When he was gentle and kind
He gave those roses his heart and soul
I wish he'd saved some for me
It would've been such a simple thing,
For me to be, like Papa's Roses

Like Papa's Roses soft and pale
Like petals thrown in the dirt
Only silence is spoken here
All that grows here is hurt
And Papa's Roses

Voices that whisper soft and low
Forever buried inside
Haunted by images dark and cold
Forever burned in your mind
But I dreamed I could fly away
Like an angel I'd fly
To the places where I could forget
Forget that I was like Papa's Roses

Like Papa's Roses soft and pale
Like petals thrown in the dirt
Only silence is spoken here
All that grows here is hurt
And Papa's Roses
Papa`s Roses


Coldplay - Viva La Vida

one step at a time... ;)

Duffy - Mercy

..Why won't you release me..;-) Monday's I'm happy !


1 di giugno 2008 !!

Happy Childrens' Day !

La multi ani tuturor copiilor din lume!

Sunday's meditation..

What are friends for ? And what does " friend" mean? Sharing happiness, special moments, joy and beauty...BUT also ...the other things such as sadness, difficulties etc..
Did you ever ask yourself if you are a good friend? Would you ever cheat on your friends? For which reasons ? Why would you cheat? Why wouldn't you cheat? What keeps us from doing mistakes...and what pushes us to hurt people we care...or at least we think we care..
How many friends do you really have? And how many buddies? Do you prefer more buddies around you or less but true friends?
What happens when you see that your FRIENDS renounce at you...or they just think .."well..if i hurt my friend...he/she will eventually forgive me because we are humans afterall...but most of all we are..FRIENDS "... Is that true? Can we exagerate with the people who care about us? Or is it the opposite?

...From my personal experience...OPEN your eyes before saying " she/ he is my friend ".
" I dont want to be like that ..BUT ! "..


Mark Knopfler - Sailing to Philadelphia

...sailing to freedom..sailing away from the society ! Sailing to Philadelphia !..TO DRAW THE LINE !

Postcards From Paraguay

...postcards....and memories..


Men VS Women - The Differences

I love Wednesday!

Europe Vs. Italy

=)))))))))))))))))))))))) ahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha


...remember when you loved me...


Cielo e terra

improvisamente sono la...ANCORA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quando eravamo cielo e terra....in ogni dubbio in ogni verita'!
For those who dream of a bright future!

Chasing Pavements

...it's saturday morning and there's so much to do today!!! Anyway who cares, in the evening i will enjoy some veryyyy good icecream at the icecream FAIR !!! :D


Se vuoi ci amiamo adesso....se vuoi..

It sounds really great in french too! At least in my opinion!
Have a great FRIDAY everyone! The weekend is close so what are you waiting for?! Let's go party !!!!!!

***Preocupat Cu Gura Ta***

" Aaaaaaaaaa......si crede-ma nu-i usor sa lupt contra tuturor..pe bune i-as injura, dar gura mea e prea ocupata cu gura ta"...:-)
Un posibil hit al verii?! :D


Hit me with a wood spoon!

What would life be without moments like that !? :)))



It's the only thing i can say right now!!! I am MORE than VERY HAPPY !!!
Mona just called....she just changed my future !!! ....so she changed my life !!! :D
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! :D:D:D:D


This is awsome!!!

Real art and talent!


Today is the DAY !!!!

Un giorno importantissimo per Berlusconi e per ME !!!! :)))) ahahahaha... Berlusconi viene ed io VADO !...I quit my job.. How cool can that actually be? And when you think i am quite happy about it!


When I was lost I even found myself

Life is a one-way street, and if you could paint it
I’d draw myself going in the right direction
So I go all the way - like I really really know -
But the truth is I’m only guessin’


Rosas para Você

ANOTHER ONE !!!!! ok..i think i should stop now ...:P i will become portuguese music ADDICTED :))

Un grande amor!

...meu amor ! :D oh..portuguese music is really nice!:D ..EU ACHO :D

D`Black Sem Ar

..without air ...
Meus pés não tocam mais o chão
Meus olhos não veêm minha direção
Da minha boca saem coisas sem sentido
Você era meu farol e hoje estou perdido
O sofrimento vem à noite sem pudor
Somente o sono ameniza minha dor
Mas e depois? E quando o dia clarear?
Quero viver do teu sorriso teu olhar
Eu corro pro mar pra não lembrar você
E o vento me traz o que eu quero esquecer
Entre os soluços do meu choro eu tento te explicar
Nos teus braços é o meu lugar
Contemplar as estrelas minha solidão
Aperta forte o peito é mais que uma emoção
Esqueci do meu orgulho pra você voltar
Permaneço sem amor, sem luz, sem ar
Perdi o jogo e tive que te ver partir
E a minha alma sem motivo pra existir
Já não suporto esse vazio quero me entregar
Ter você pra nunca mais nos separar
Você é o encaixe perfeito do meu coração
O teu sorriso é chama da minha paixão
Mas é fria a madrugada sem você aqui
Só com você no pensamento
Eu corro pro mar pra não lembrar você
E o vento me traz o que eu quero esquecer
Entre os soluços do meu choro eu tento te explicar
Nos teus braços é o meu lugar
Contemplar as estrelas minha solidão
Aperta forte o peito é mais que uma emoção
Esqueci do meu orgulho pra você voltar
Permaneço sem amor, sem luz...
Meu ar, meu chão é você
Mesmo quando fecho os olhos
Posso te ver
Eu corro pro mar pra não lembrar você
E o vento me traz o que eu quero esquecer
Entre os soluços do meu choro eu tento te explicar
Nos seus braços é o meu lugar
Contemplar as estrelas minha solidão
Aperta forte o peito é mais que uma emoção
Esqueci do meu orgulho pra você voltar
Permaneço sem amor, sem luz, sem ar

Feelings on a lonely sunday afternoon..

Today is Sunday...and I feel like that...

E tutto quello che devi fare è metterti le cuffie, sdraiarti e ascoltare il cd della tua vita, traccia dopo traccia, nessuna è andata persa. Tutte sono state vissute e tutte, in un modo o nell'altro, servono ad andare avanti. Non pentirti non giudicarti, sei quello che sei e non c'è niente di meglio al mondo. Pause, rewind play e ancora, ancora, ancora. Non spegnere mai il tuo campionatore, continua a registrare e a mettere insieme i suoni per riempire il caos che hai dentro, e se scenderà una lacrima quando riascolti, bè, non aver paura. É come la lacrima di un fan quando riascolta la sua canzone preferita. (3MSC)

Teneteveli stretti i vostri pezzi di ricordi, vi capiterà di averne bisogno una volta senza loro, quando tutto vi sembrerà inutile e avrete la sensazione di essere davvero su questo pianeta ma per fortuna in una posizione privilegiata per guardare le stelle...

Keep close your memories, it will happen to you once to be in need without them, when everything will seem useless for you and you'll have the sensation really to be on this planet but fortunately in a privileged position for watching the stars...


What Audrey Hepburn Character are you?

Holly Golightly

You are full of life, and live in the moment as much as possible. You like the finer things in life, and are not afraid to ask for them. You are romantic, but romance doesn't rule your life. You can be deep, but prefer the lighter side of life!!

I am MY FAVOURITE character !!! :D

Tutta Mia La Città

....Tutta mia la citta' !! UN DESERTO CHE CONOSCO !!!!! ...tutta mia la citta'....Belllllaaaaaaaa...It's funny..italian...singing italian...with the romanian flag behind him !! hahahhahahaha...:D:D:D


Milano per sempre

Milano T V B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Anche a voi ragazzi !! Grazie per tutto quello che fatte per me! Siete GRANDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :D
Baci baci baci


Shinning Star

You turn me up and down ! :D


Claudio Baglioni - Mille giorni di te e di me


Raf - Infinito

Tantissimi dolci ricordi !!!!!!!!!!!! Going to serravalle con i ragazzi e con miki..... BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How mature are u ?

Elderly-You are maybe a little too mature!
You need to think of yourself more. It's time to get out and have a little bit of fun. Not only are you secure with who you are, but you are secure in the world around you. You are a rational human being, a nurturer, and you could not be any more mature than you already are. People feel confident in relying on you for their needs, and you are often sought out for advice. All of your decisions are carefully weighed and measured before being made.


Organization and Competitive Advantage

Southwest , Apple and Sony , Silicon Graphics...

Explorer vs Exploiter , tightly coupled vs loosely coupled...
Explorer - loosely coupled - emerging markets - new ways - new customers!
Exploiter - tightly coupled - stable domain- deepening opportunities -understanding better the domain and having a bigger share of it !

Organization SLACK doesnt mean waste of resources...but investing in innovation ! :D

Well....this is something from chapter 5...business strategy book....tomorrow i have the exam.. :D


FRESITA - NOT suitable for personalising !;-)

Fresita is a 100 percent natural blend of Chilean rose sparkling wine, infused with hand-picked strawberries from Patagonia.

Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Moscatel grapes are used to create the wine. The wine undergoes a second fermentation in stainless steel to create the distinctive sparkling wine. The finest Patagonian strawberries (from the foot of the Andes) are selected by hand to produce the sweet and natural strawberry pulp.

The sparkling wine and strawberry pulp are blended together in the bottle, resulting in the unique, 100 percent natural product, Fresita.

TAGS : SPARCKLING and ROSE ;) ok!?!!!!?!?!? :D

Sweets for my sweet :))...that means....FOR ME !!!!!

Eu acho che gosto do te :-))


scusami se...

cin cin! e' tutto come un film!

Fino alla fine

Sto partendo per milano !!!!!!!! ...mi devo sbrigare !:)


Tarot for me:

My power cards

The Hierophant is the protector of culture and traditions. Conventional by nature, he is a staunch defender of the beliefs a group embraces. He represents a spiritual guide and teacher and is someone to go to for guidance and advice. Never one to question authority, he thrives on structure and values and lives a life of conformity.

When The Emperor is among your personal cards, the influence of The Hierophant may be increased. Having The Fool or The Lovers in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Hierophant.

The Magus is the master of his own destiny and unafraid to act as he chooses. By setting specific and attainable goals, the Magician utilizes his great knowledge and wisdom to succeed where others have failed. He is the master of his own destiny. Although, with such power comes great responsibility. The Magician must decide whether to act morally, or forsake ethics for personal gain.

When The Chariot is among your personal cards, the influence of The Magus may be increased. Having The Empress or Hanged Man in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Magus.

My desire cards

The Magus is the master of his own destiny and unafraid to act as he chooses. By setting specific and attainable goals, the Magician utilizes his great knowledge and wisdom to succeed where others have failed. He is the master of his own destiny. Although, with such power comes great responsibility. The Magician must decide whether to act morally, or forsake ethics for personal gain.

When The Chariot is among your personal cards, the influence of The Magus may be increased. Having The Empress or Hanged Man in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Magus.

The High Priestess is the mysterious one and counterpart to the Magician. She symbolizes all that we are unable to perceive or comprehend, as she travels in dimensions that we can only imagine exist. She is able to uncover the infinite potential that exists within all humans. Her patience is perhaps her greatest virtue.

When The Hermit or Hanged Man are among your personal cards, the influence of The High Priestess may be increased. Having the Magus in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The High Priestess

My lucky cards

The Moon represents those unknown forces and cycles that are out of your control. While aware of its presence, you are unable to comprehend the influence the Moon has on your life. While this is a time full of mystery and uncertainty, it is also a time of great imagination and creativity. You must be prepared to venture into the unknown and follow uncharted paths.

When The Magus or The Tower are among your personal cards, the influence of The Moon may be increased. Having The Star or The Sun in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Moon.

The Hermit represents the need to distance yourself from the people and events in your life that are causing undue strain on your emotions. There are times in your life when seclusion and isolation are warranted. The Hermit is a card of discovery and enlightenment, which can only develop by spending time alone with your thoughts. Your energy will be depleted quickly in social situations.

When The High Priestess is among your personal cards, the influence of The Hermit may be increased. Having The World or The Lovers in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Hermit.

My growth cards

The Chariot is the representation of victory and a reminder that, through dedication and perseverance, great obstacles can be overcome. This card indicates that you are in control of your destiny and that your will is strong. Your refusal to surrender is your great attribute at this time. You will soon find yourself in a difficult situation that requires you to be in complete control of your actions and confident in your abilities.

When The Magus is among your personal cards, the influence of The Chariot may be increased. Having The Hanged Man or The Tower in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Chariot.

The Empress is in tune with Nature and symbolizes the ability to connect with the planet. Nurturing and caring, she is often thought to represent birth itself. Not necessarily the birth of a child, but perhaps the birth of a new project or business venture. Although she appreciates the simple things in life, she is not afraid to let loose and enjoy abundance.

When The Lover or The Star are among your personal cards, the influence of The Empress may be increased. Having the Emperor or Death in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Empress

My core cards

The Lovers represent a powerful union and the harmony of opposites. It represents the combining of two elements to create an even greater entity. This card often represents the formation of a new relationship or the strengthening of a current one. Love can come your way at anytime. There are difficult decisions to be made and conflict may arise when temptation and desire overcome morals and ethics.

The Lovers' influence is increased when The Empress is among your personal cards. Having The Hierophant or The Hermit in your personal cards may diminish the influence of the Lovers.

The Fool desires to achieve great things in life, but does not always anticipate the hard work required. Full of curiosity and searching for answers, the Fool symbolizes a new beginning and endless optimism. He must be careful in the decisions he makes, as his lack of experience is often a hindrance. While others may avoid taking on insurmountable odds, The Fool will attempt to accomplish near impossible goals with almost reckless abandon.

When The Hanged Man or The Star are among your personal cards, the influence of The Fool may be increased. Having The Devil in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Fool.

C'e' sempre il passato nel futuro..

Teneteveli stretti i vostri pezzi di ricordo .Vi capitera' di averne bisogno una notte senza luna quando tutto sembrera' inutile..

I'm having fun with these tests...:-))

***Blue eyes***
People with blue eyes have the longest lasting relationships. They tend to be kind, pretty or handsome and are very good kissers. They are very satisfying in bed and love to please. They will EXCEED your pleasure standards.If you have light blue eyes you are peaceful with low physical endurance. If you have deep blue eyes you are spiritual, intense and connect with technology. If you have blue/grey eyes you are humanitarian with an altruistic nature.


Io e Te...3msc!


tre metri sopra il cielo - I can fly

I can love but i need his heart ...I am strong even on my own but from him i never want apart...he's been there since the very start..my angel ...Bless the day..he came to me...Angel's wings carried him to me ! I CAN FLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**Tre metri sopra il cielo** x ricordare

Ricordi ricordi e ricordi....che bello e' l'amore....anche quando solo te lo ricordi ! Grande amore tra babi e step ... un super film !...L'amore in Italian style ...:-)


Non hai piu' tempo per me..

Tomorrow will be a BETTER DAY ...

..cause I always have myself

And yes! His place is in my room ! :-)

ADI BOIOGLU , this is for you..."CARCIOFI " special delivery...stiu ca nu ti-au placut pe drumul Bucuresti-Milano...dar eu tot deliciosi ii consider :-)

In afara de tablou am gasit si scaunul perfect -fotoliu sau ce o fi :-)..
So..dupa MULTE si INDELUNGATE cautari, multe " nu ...nu...nu...nici asta nu imi place....nu..nu...m-am plictisit...nope...don't like that either..mi-e foame...mi-e sete...am obosit...vreau acasa....vreau sa plec in Bahamas....cred ca am pielea prea alba...trebuie sa ma duc la plaja...trebuie sa invat pentru examene...whatever.." l-am vazut !..and it was love at first sight....:D

I found it !!

De atata timp sunt in cautarea unui tablou-poster-poza-whatever pentru unul din cei 4 pereti ai camerei mele...Ieri am fost la Mobexpert ( cu alte treburi bineinteles) si THERE IT WAS !!! I FOUND WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR....Un super tablou cu nimeni alta decat Audrey Hepburn !!! (pentru necunoscatori...SHAME ON YOU daca nu o cunoasteti...este actrita care a jucat in Breakfast at Tiffany's !!)
Ador acel film, imi place de ea ca actrita, sunt innebunita dupa tabloul de la Mobexpert - next step : BUY IT !Pacat ca nu l-am gasit si pe cel roz ..:-) This is what i am talking about :

Anita is..


Italian Girls


I'm singing in the rain...

Se Stai Scivolando Allora Scivola Per Bene, Con Impegno Cadi Giù E nn Ti Aggrappare A niente, Tocca Terra. Ma Soprattutto Se Piove Nn Aprire L'ombrello, Aspetta Il Tuo Giorno Di Sole...

...es por ti

Yo sé que tienes un nuevo amor
Sin embargo, te deseo lo mejor
Si en mí, no encontraste felicidad
Tal vez, alguien más te la dará

Como la flor
Con tanto amor
Me diste tú,
Se marchitó
Me marcho hoy
Yo sé perder
Pero, ay, cómo me duele
ay, como me duele

Si vieras cómo duele perder tu amor
Con tu adiós, te llevas mi corazón
No sé si pueda volver a amar
Porque te dí todo el amor que pude dar

Como la flor
Con tanto amor
Me diste tú,
Se marchitó
Me marcho hoy
Yo sé perder
Pero, ay,ay,ay como me duele
ay,aya,ay como me duele

Como la flor
Con tanto amor
Me diste tú,
Se marchitó
Me marcho hoy
Yo sé perder
Pero, ay, como me duele
ay, ay, ay como me duele
ay, ay, ay como me duele


And for those who are copying me..

STOP DOING THAT...you're old enough ;-)

ca un PS la postul anterior...

Nu vreau sa ridic Italia in slavi..DAR DE CE de la facultatea din Milano pot sa iau ORICE adeverinta in doar 5 minute !??! Si nu trebuie nici sa platesc nimic la caserie....si de ce acolo mi se zambeste cand intru pe usa?!?

Ca la noi la nimeni...

Stiu...nu ar trebui sa ma mai surprinda atitudinea secretarelor din ASE...DARRRRR...
JEEZ, cat de greu este sa dai o situatie scolara de care EFECTIV depinde inscrierea mea la master?!?! Platesti la caserie...depui cerere ...astepti 3 zile...te duci sa iti ridici actele si cand intrii in secretariat auzi : " CE VREI?"....stiti...o situatie scolara ..bla bla..." AAAAA..NU AM FACUT-O..VINO SAPTAMANA VIITOARE !!" ....care saptamana viitoare? I NEED IT NOW ! Ca altfel nu as fi cerut-o nu!??!?!...raspuns : " Nu ma intereseaza" ..RIGHT...



"The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.” ( Leo Buscaglia)



Elle Woods - Fight for Your Dream

Maybe it seems superficial.....but i love this movie! It inspires me!

It's Wednesday!


Fiat 500

It's something that i have on my mind for such a long time...
I forgot to write down in my blog that....
It's so.......funny and retro and SWEET, and it looks so nice...and i just...love it :D


A true story...

Once upon a time there was a blind girl...and she isolated herself from everything and everyone...she didnt want to stay with anyone except her boyfriend. All that i desire the most is to see the world around me...she used to say..." Do u want to marry me?"...the boy proposed to her one day..." i wont get married till i wont see"....after a while, a pair of donated eyes appeared for the girl....she could finally see and in the moment she looked at her boyfriend she realised he was blind too..."i can not marry a blind man"....said the girl and turned aroud to walk away...Before the sound of her steps to dissapear the boy whispered to her.." Take care of my eyes please"...

Unfortunatly.......in life it is like that....we give our souls for the persons we love....but sometimes.....it isnt enough for them...

Come to Me (Peace)

For the one and only ...my life.


Anita ..by mirko !

Mirko says: vivi serena!! vivi all'italiana

Mirko says:
ripeti con me: IO SONO INVINCIBILE!!



Iphone Iphone Iphone! ...hahahaha...

Thanks Adi for the tip..and i thought i am addicted :)))

Brasil !!!!!!!!! ZAMORENA !

Beijinhos...XoXoXoXo...When the sun goes down!


"To see a world in a grain of sand
and heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour."
William Blake

"Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands,
but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is."
Maxim Gorky

Lacul Amara

Statiunile balneare sunt categorii functionale speciale in cadrul organizarii urbane si rurale din Romania. 35 de orase si 103 asezari rurale sunt considerate a fi statiuni balneare cu functii de deservire. Statiunile balneare si de odihna asigura servicii complexe. Acestea pot fi considerate ca prime tentative de a avea un turism organizat si sunt dotate corespunzator pentru primirea turistilor. La randul ei, destinatia turistica a acestora a dat nastere unui tip complet nou de asezari urbane, respectiv statiuni balneare, de odihna si de interes turistic.
Statiunile balneare situate in zona Sub-Carpatilor sau in zonele de campie si deal sunt foarte numeroase si sunt foarte aproape de oras. Un astfel de exemplu este cel al statiunilor Baile Felix si Baile 1 Mai din apropiere de Municipiul Oradea (resedinta Judetului Bihor), Lacu Sarat din preajma orasului Braila (resedinta judetului Braila) sau Amara de langa Slobozia (resedinta judetului Ialomita).
Lacul Amara este locul ideal unde oamenii se pot odihni, relaxa si chiar vindeca de anumite boli reumatice pe toata perioada verii, dar si in lunile calduroase ale primaverii si toamnei.
Statiunea este recomandata in tratamentul bolilor reumatismale degenerative (spondiloza, artroza, poliartroza) si a bolilor reumatismale inflamatorii (reumatismul articular), bolilor ginecologice (metrosalpingita cronica, insuficienta ovariana, sterilitate secundara) si a disfunctiilor asociate (dermatologice, endocrine). Statiunea dispune de facilitati pentru bai calde in cazi si piscine cu apa din lac, bai calde cu namol si aplicari de namol, plaja pe malul lacului si aplicari de namol rece, bai in lac.
Suprafaţa lacului Amara atinge 132 ha având un volum de 2,6 mil. mc de apă, o lungime de 4 km şi lăţimea între 200 şi 800 m. Adâncimea maximăeste de 3 m.
Lacul este situat într-o depresiune, neavând legătură cu râul Ialomiţa, iar concentraţia în săruri a apei a crescut prin lipsa alimentării constante cu apă dulce pe toata durata anului şi prin procesul de evaporare datorită climatului uscat.
Apa hipotonă, bogată în săruri de sulfaţi, bicarbonaţi, cloruri, ioduri, bromuri şi săruri de magneziu, a dus la formarea unui nămol cu caracter terapeutic, indicat în afecţiuni dermatologice, respiratorii, renale, endocrine, digestive, afecţiuni reumatice a aparatulul locomotor, procese degenerative articulare, boli ortopedice, sau post-traumatice, afecţiuni ginecologice, afecţiuni nervoase ca pareze sau unele paralizii.
Caracterele terapeutice ale apei şi nămolului lacului în comparaţie cu cele ale altor staţiuni balneare din ţară au fost descoperite relativ târziu (1936), până atunci populaţia din împrejurimi folosind doar empiric apa şi nămolul pentru a trata boli reumatice.
In Romania, vizitele la lacul Amara au devenit ca o traditie pentru persoanele in varsta, acestea refugiindu-se deseori in centre special amenajate pentru tratarea diferitelor boli de care sufera.
Desi asa numitele « bai » sunt vizate cel mai adesea de catre persoanele ce provin din mediul rural, nu putem uita de oamenii din mediul urban care in ciuda lipsei de timp, in vacante prefera un tratament natural in pofida unuia intr-un cabinet specializat din oras.
Din pacate, in Romania nu se fac suficient de multe campanii publicitare pentru aceste statiuni balneare, cum este Lacul Amara, iar acest lucru defavorizeaza succesul pe care statiunile balneare in general ar trebui sa le aiba.
Beneficiile avute in urma unui tratament balnear ar trebui puse in valoare intr-un mod mult mai evident, prin campanii impunatoare. Romania ar avea de castigat in special datorita fluxului de turisti straini care ar veni in tara noastra pentru aceste tratamente.
Conform anumitor studii, media de varsta a persoanelor suferinde de boli reumatice este de peste 50 de ani. In jurul varstei de 60 de ani preocuparea pentru sanatate devine prioritara din cauza faptului ca bolile cronice, in special cele de tip reumatismal, se complica in cele din urma ducand chiar la invaliditate.
Prin urmare, Romania trebuie doar sa puna in valoare ceea ce detine, iar succesul nu va intarzia sa apara.

Craaaaaaaaaaack :-)

....Beautifulissimo pappagalissimo :)))


Baglioni - Mai più come te - Crescendo

Ti amerò

Tienimi con te....

Modà - Favola

Ora vi racconto una storia che
Farete fatica a credere
Perché parla di una principessa
E di un cavaliere che
In sella al suo cavallo bianco
Entrò nel bosco
Alla ricerca di un sentimento
Che tutti chiamavano amore

Prese un sentiero che portava
A una cascata dove l?aria
Era pura come il cuore di quella
Fanciulla che cantava
E se ne stava coi conigli
I pappagalli verdi e gialli
Come i petali di quei fiori che
Portava tra i capelli
Na na na na na na na na na…

Il cavaliere scese dal suo cavallo bianco
E piano piano le si avvicinò
La guardò per un secondo
Poi le sorrise
E poi pian piano iniziò a dirle
Queste dolci parole:

Vorrei essere il raggio di sole che
Ogni giorno ti viene a svegliare per
Farti respirare e farti vivere di me
Vorrei essere la prima stella che
Ogni sera vedi brillare perché
Così i tuoi occhi sanno
Che ti guardo
E che sono sempre con te
Vorrei essere lo specchio che ti parla
E che a ogni tua domanda
Ti risponda che al mondo
Tu sei sempre la più bella
Na na na na na na na na na…

La principessa lo guardò
Senza dire parole
E si lasciò cadere tra le sue braccia
Il cavaliere la portò con se
Sul suo cavallo bianco
E seguendo il vento
Le cantava intanto
Questa dolce canzone:

(2 volte)
Vorrei essere il raggio di sole che
Ogni giorno ti viene a svegliare per
Farti respirare e farti vivere di me
Vorrei essere la prima stella che
Ogni sera vedi brillare perché
Così i tuoi occhi sanno
Che ti guardo
E che sono sempre con te
Vorrei essere lo specchio che ti parla
E che a ogni tua domanda
Ti risponda che al mondo
Tu sei sempre la più bella
Na na na na na na na na na…

Il sangue di giuda - Afterhours- one of my favourites!

Sai quando tornerai io sarò già via
Senza un'idea
Vendendo roba tua
Restando vivo

Imparare a barare e sembrare più vero
Due miserie in un corpo solo

C'è solo sangue
Solo sangue dentro me
C'è solo sangue
Quando sai che sei fedele
A quello in cui non credi più

Vivere per non farsi del male
Poter vedere
Com'è non morire e non sentire
Cambiare idea

Con le labbra sul vuoto
La chitarra nel vuoto
Il mio cazzo inutile

C'è solo sangue
Solo sangue dentro me
C'è solo sangue
Nelle tue cosce in rovina
Quello che tu non sei

Guarire un po'
Sognare un po'
Amare un po'
Fallire un po'
Far male un po'
Mentirsi e poi
Tornare a sfamarsi un po'

C'è solo sangue
Solo sangue dentro me
C'è solo sangue
Solo sangue e non magia
Solo sangue e non magia

Solo sangue e non va via

Abitudine ...with love

Memories of Italy ..
....ci sarebbe da capire....come e' stato facile !!

Abitudine tra noi
è un soggetto da evitare
tra le frasi di dolore, gioia,
nei desideri,
non ci si è concessa mai.
Dolce e instabile condanna
mi hai portato troppo in là:
vedo solo sbarre, vedo una prigione umida,
vedo poca verità.
Ci sarebbe da capire
come è stato facile
congelarsi sotto tutti i nostri desideri
e sentirli inutili.
Come fare a dirti
che non c’è più spazio per progetti
e tanto non ne abbiamo mai fatti
e che sarebbe stupido.
Come fare a dirti che ho voglia di morire
come in fondo sto facendo già da un po’.


I am snow white :D

Or at least that's what i heared...isnt it ?:)))) I heared it from the "witch" :))) ahahahahahahahahahaha


....cause u can go where the river flows..

Se una persona ti manca, non piangere, alza gli occhi e ricorda che e' sotto il tuo stesso cielo...Qualcuno ha detto che a volare troppo in alto si rischia di farsi male cadendo...E quando ti accorgi che non vai da nessuna parte...allora..acceleri..


MILAN (Reuters) - Italy should decide on Alitalia's

future after this month's general election, a union leader said, after the state-controlled airline's sale to Air France-KLM fell apart and it teetered ever closer to bankruptcy.

Luigi Angeletti, general secretary of the UIL, told Canale 5 TV news on Thursday the carrier should not be put under emergency administration and any decisions about its future left until after the vote on April 13-14.

Air France-KLM abandoned talks with unions hostile to the takeover late on Wednesday, although it said it still believed in its takeover plan, which includes 2,100 job cuts.

The UIL union had walked out of talks with Air France-KLM on Monday, saying negotiations before the election were futile.

"Alitalia in chaos", read the headline in Italy's biggest-selling newspaper Corriere della Sera, while La Repubblica's editorial called it "Flagship Suicide".

The airline's board will meet at 1100 GMT. Its chairman Maurizio Prato quit on Wednesday saying the company was cursed.

A cabinet meeting is also expected to discuss developments on Thursday after Economy Minister Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa said the alternative to Air France-KLM was emergency administration.

The future of the airline, in which the state holds 49.9 percent, future has become a key issue in the final stretch of the election campaign, and outgoing Prime Minister Romano Prodi said unions had made a grave mistake in breaking off talks.

Alitalia is losing over 1 million euros a day.


Media magnate and opposition leader Silvio Berlusconi has said he would prefer an Italian buyer and that there was such a group waiting in the wings, though it has not yet emerged.

In an interview with Libero newspaper published on Thursday, Berlusconi said businessmen were lining up to join a bid.

"The problem is ... keeping them out, not keeping them in," he said, adding that interest was very high "because we have touched on the pride of a healthy and competitive flagship."

Berlusconi said Air France-KLM's terms were "unacceptable and offensive."

Alitalia's shares were suspended from trading on Thursday after closing down 5.7 percent at 0.50 euros on Wednesday, giving it a market value of around 735 million euros ($1.15 billion).

Air France-KLM is the world's biggest airline by revenues, dwarfing Alitalia, but its interest in the Italian airline centers on the lucrative route from Rome to the country's financial capital, Milan.

When asked whether he believed Air France-KLM had definitely walked away from its takeover bid, Angeletti replied: "I don't think so."

The Franco-Dutch airline's shares were up 2.12 percent by 0727 GMT compared with a fall of 0.74 percent in the DJ Stoxx travel and leisure index.

Newspapers on Thursday speculated that the government might seek a compromise with unions or search for a way to keep the carrier flying until after the elections.

Alitalia has enough funds to last just about until the end of June, La Repubblica calculated.

Other newspapers looked to a possible return to the bidding of domestic airline Air One, which was snubbed by the government in favor of Air France-KLM, or even German airline Lufthansa, which pulled out of last year's aborted auction

I can fly ....

....but i want his wings...

I will upload the video of this song a bit later this evening....Cause it says so many things..

...Io .....e TE!