What are friends for ? And what does " friend" mean? Sharing happiness, special moments, joy and beauty...BUT also ...the other things such as sadness, difficulties etc..
Did you ever ask yourself if you are a good friend? Would you ever cheat on your friends? For which reasons ? Why would you cheat? Why wouldn't you cheat? What keeps us from doing mistakes...and what pushes us to hurt people we care...or at least we think we care..
How many friends do you really have? And how many buddies? Do you prefer more buddies around you or less but true friends?
What happens when you see that your FRIENDS renounce at you...or they just think .."well..if i hurt my friend...he/she will eventually forgive me because we are humans afterall...but most of all we are..FRIENDS "... Is that true? Can we exagerate with the people who care about us? Or is it the opposite?
...From my personal experience...OPEN your eyes before saying " she/ he is my friend ".
" I dont want to be like that ..BUT ! "..
4 commenti:
My fairest of them all.
This issue... true friends vs. more or less loyal palls or buddies - call'em what you like - it's actually more of a real life drama then a day to day thing. take your average backstabbing 'friend'. it will smile in your face for as long as it takes, it will pretend to be your friend in need, and it'll do its best to share the load of your sorrows along the way - and to even add up that little extra it'll burden you with all of its day to day frustrations just to earn your trust and sympathy.but for how long and... why? be it power, money, love of another, or (stupid as it may seem) taking credit for others achievements, sooner or later, and from recent experience, rather sooner then later, it will pull the rug from underneath your feet. so i ask myself why?
dear everyday bastard lousy good for nothing friend, what is it that you really want? do you want my friends, my social label, my money, my... life?
so i tell u this dear million$baby( ;) ): ask God to keep you safe from your friends, for i know that u are able to keep away from your enemies. they say remember compliments you receive, forget the insults... if you succeed in doing this tell me how.
so... the resolution is... dear GOD have mercy on them phony lairs for i know anita won't(nether will i)
E' difficile sentirsi sicuro con una persona, c'è ben poco spazio per rapporti personali sinceri. Quindi dell'amicizia restano i coleghi di lavoro da lungo tempo, qualche scambio d’aiuti, i vicini, convenzioni sociali, persone che consideriamo "amici" solo perche'... ci si chiama per nome.
draga iulia...
swichuiesc in ro, pt ca sunt obosit si marturisesc cinstit ca am incercat din rasputeri sa citesc tot ce-ai scris... a fost peste puterile mele... (n-ar fi rau sa arunci un ochi peste topica articole si sequence of tenses... needs a little work)
tie frica sa nu fi ranita... deci nu te apropii de nimeni... dar priveste sincer in jurul tau. te simiti asa de implinita si asa bine in sit asta?nai skimba nimic? nu ai fi nici un pic curioasa sau nai vrea sa incerci odata marea cu degetul sa vezi cum e sa dai 100% neasteptand nimic in skimb? cred ca ai fi uimita de rezultate(apropo de lasitate/curaj al raspunderii)
e ok sa ai o viata sociala cat de cat? ti se pare la indemana? cum ar trebui cineva sa iti devina prieten atunci cand tu nu dai nici 5% din acel ceva, si doi cum poti fi tu prieten cuiva in conditiile in care tu ai tras linie si de aici mai departe nu se merge?
din ce scrii tu acolo esti cam pe-acolo buddie like si cam atat
si acum sincer, ziceai tu ce ne impiedica sa facem greseli"" sau asa ceva? si tot tu raspundeai ca simplu fel de-a fi. partial de acord. sa gresesti e omeneste(desi vreau sa trag o linie clara intre greseala si fatarnicie mercantila obscuritate si tot restul) dar sa perseverezi... deja discutam de alta clasa de deficiente.
acum uite-te atent la tine, la blog, la post, la ... mintea ta in gandul ei, si vezi poate e un substrat in toata asta.
din nou, imicer scuze ca nam citit tot cearsaful ala de post dar m-au lasat puterile
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